Thursday, September 8, 2022

How to Grow Cucumbers in Tub, [cucumber cultivation method ]

  How to Grow Cucumbers in Tubs or Containers in Home Yards

Cucumber is a popular vegetable in our country. Cucumber is eaten not only in salads but also as a vegetable. 80 percent of cucumber's ingredients are water. In our country, cucumber salad is kept at the top of the list. Cucumber is also used for bodybuilding. Let's know how to grow cucumber in a tub.[cucumber cultivation ]

Variety Selection:

At present, several varieties of cucumber are cultivated in Bangladesh. Most of these varieties are hybrids. There are 2 local varieties named Patia Giant BADC Baromasi &. Private seed companies are marketing several pure varieties and hybrid varieties. Among the different varieties of cucumber - Alvi, Kirin Titumir, Naogra Green, Himel, Green Field, Bashkhali, Madhumati, Shila, Lucky-7 etc. are cultivated in our country.

Suitable time for cultivation:

The best time for cucumber cultivation is from February to March. However, hybrid varieties can be sown throughout the year.

Life Time: 

Usually it can be from 75 to 120 days depending on the breed.

Soil preparation:

Fertile sandy loam soils are suitable for cucumber production. One part white sand, one part soil and one part rotted dung or good quality compost should be mixed well. If possible, you can mix a little ash with this mixture. For successful yielding in tubs, moderate amounts of chemical fertilizers can be used along with sufficient organic fertilizers.

Planting seeds or seedlings:

Cucumber seeds should be soaked for 24 hours before sowing. Sow the seeds twice the size of the seed. The best time to plant seedlings is in the afternoon, then the seedlings will die less. After planting seedlings, the roots of the seedlings should be pressed with soil. Then add water to the tub.

Small holes should be made at the bottom of the tub in which the seeds will be planted so that excess water can escape. After a week of germination, liquid fertilizer should be applied in quantity and according to the amount of soil in the pot, with TSP in five grains, the soil should be spread towards the edge of the tub. Cucumber plants should be watered in the morning and afternoon.

Preparation and Application of Liquid Fertilizer:

Soak 25 grams of mustard seeds in half a liter of water and keep it for 15 days. Now this soaked hair should be mixed well with two teaspoons of urea and MOP fertilizer in ten liters of water and applied in quantity.


Cucumber leaf tunneler, red pumpkin beetle, fruit fly and tobacco caterpillars should be sprayed with cypermethrin (such as Ustad 20 ml or Magic or Kot 10 ml) per 10 liters of water and sprayed 2/3 times every 5th century at intervals of 10-12 days. . Care must be taken when spraying the medicine.

To control cucumber whitefly and blackfly, Imidachloroprid insecticide (such as Edmyr or Tido 7-10 ml / 2 mouths) should be mixed with 10 liters of water and sprayed 2/3 times every 5th century every 10 days.


Cucumber Powdery Mildew Disease Control Sulfur-based fungicides (eg Cumulus 40gms or Geivet or Monovit 20gms) or Carbendazim-type fungicides (eg: Goldazim 5ml or Mcozim or QB or Companion 20gm) mixed with every 10 liters of water for 10 consecutive days. A total of 2-3 times should be applied from the beginning.

Spray Mancozeb or Mancozeb + Metaloxyl (eg Ridomil Gold 20g per 10 liters of water) 3 times in 7-10 days to control cucumber leaf target spot and gummy stem blight. Care must be taken when spraying the medicine.

In the control of cucumber mosaic disease, if whiteflies, jab beetles are seen on the ground (carrier insects), insecticides of the imidachloroprid group (such as Edmire or Tido 10 ml. 2 mouths) should be mixed with 10 liters of water and sprayed every 5 centuries. If you sprinkle ash on the tree in the morning, this insect will fall from the tree


Harvesting can be started within 45-60 days of sowing the seeds depending on the cucumber variety. hector

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