Monday, September 19, 2022

Learn how to grow gourds on the roof [agriculture knowledge ]

 While gourd was a winter vegetable, it is now cultivated all year round. It is a delicious vegetable. Gourd is a popular vegetable for everyone. Gourds grow in almost all types of soil. Mainly loam to clay loam soils are good for gourd cultivation.

But gourd cultivation loam or sandy-loam soil should be used in tub or roof garden. But if sand-loam soil is used, the amount of organic fertilizer should be added to the soil.

For winter gourd cultivation, seeds should be sown between September and October. Gourd seeds should be sown in mid-August for early winter crops. Gourd seeds should be sown in polybags.

The seeds should be soaked in water for 8-12 hours before sowing. Then take the seeds from the water and dry the excess water with tissue paper and sow the seeds in polybags. Two seeds should be sown in each polybag. Care should be taken that the soil of the polybag does not dry out. Light water should be given if necessary.

How to grow gourd on the roof

For growing gourd in the roof garden, half drum or equivalent container should be used. Four-five holes should be made at the bottom of the half drum, so that excess water can be easily drained.

The holes in the floor of the half drum should be closed with small pieces of brick. Now for each half drum, two parts of loam or sandy loam soil, 1 part cow dung, 50 grams of TSP fertilizer, 50 grams of potash, 250 grams of mustard seeds should be mixed together and soaked in water for 10-12 days.

Then dig the soil a little and leave it like this for four to five days. A vigorous gourd seedling sown in polybags should be transplanted when the soil becomes moist. The soil around the seedlings should be compacted by hand. At the beginning, the soil should be added a little higher.

Water should be given abundantly in the beginning after planting. Gradually increase the amount of water. Gourd plants require a lot of water. The daily fish-meat washing water is sometimes given to the gourd plant will be especially beneficial.

Gourd plants planted in tubs or drums in rooftop gardens suffer from crop failure due to lack of water. Cultivating gourds in tubs or drums requires a little more water. Weeds should be kept clean regularly. At least once a week the drum soil should be lightly loosened. Care should be taken to ensure that the gourd plant gets enough sun.

How to do other care

To ensure the proper care of the plant, if the gourd plant is a little big, a little urea fertilizer should be applied at a distance from the root.

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Learn how to grow gourds on the roof [agriculture knowledge ]

  While gourd was a winter vegetable, it is now cultivated all year round.  It is a delicious vegetable.  Gourd is a popular vegetable for e...