Saturday, September 3, 2022

Cultivation method of mung bean,,[mung bean cultivation ]

Most of us don't know. Moong dal fulfills our non-vegetarian needs to a large extent. Pulses are a non-vegetarian cash crop. Almost all people in our country love to eat pulses. Different types of pulses are cultivated in our country, among which Mugdal is the most important.


 Let's know about mung bean cultivation method-

Selection of mung bean varieties:

Several varieties of Mugdal are cultivated in our country. They are Binamoog-1, Binamoog-3, Binamoog-4 and Binamoog-5 etc.

Quality of soil:

Mugdal can be cultivated in almost all types of soil in our country However, this crop grows well in well-drained loamy soil If the land is not waterlogged, it can be cultivated on clay soil as well Cultivation of this variety in sandy loam and loam soil gives higher yield

Land preparation:

For mung bean cultivation, it is better if the land is well prepared with 3-4 plows and the soil is loosened with a ladder. It increases the rate of seed germination and improves crop yield

Amount of seeds:

18 to 20 kg of seeds are required for each acre of land.

Sowing time: 

The best time is from the first week to the last week of the month of Falgun. 

Sowing method:

Mung bean seeds can be sown in two ways. One is scatter sowing and the other is row sowing. However, between the two methods, knitting in rows is the best. Because mung bean cultivation in line or rows gives relatively higher yield than the scattering method. Sowing seeds in rows allows each plant to grow evenly. The yield also increases as the plant can get the necessary food – sunlight, food production and water equally. Moreover, row weaving makes it easier to perform interim maintenance in the field.

Care of Mung Dal: 

Regular maintenance gives good yield in mung bean cultivation. However, weeding in mungbean sown by sprinkler method is quite difficult, yet weeding should be done to get good yield. And to get good yield, weeding should be done at least once within 15 to 25 days after germination.

Fertilizer application:

 TSP fertilizer 35 to 40 kg per acre. 

Boric acid 2.5-3 kg per acre.

Urea fertilizer 16 to 20 kg per acre.

MOP 12 to 15 kg per acre. 

All fertilizers should be applied after cultivation. 2-3 kg/acre of inorganic fertilizers can be applied for cultivation in uncultivated areas. However, 80 grams of inorganic fertilizers can be applied per kg of seed.

Irrigation method:

Soil condition should be monitored while irrigating the land. In case of flooding due to heavy rain, water drainage should be arranged Both excessive drought and waterlogging are detrimental to this crop  

Mung bean collection:

Mung beans should be harvested when they are ripe Mung dal is suitable for harvesting within 60 to 60 days after sowing. Harvesting at the right time gives higher yield If you take too long to collect mung beans, the kernels fall out.

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