Wednesday, August 24, 2022




 Place your hand over the soil allowing the seedling stem to come between your fingers not leaving too much of a gap - we don't want to lose it's original soil- and squeeze the bottom of the seedling pot to loosen the soil and the roots from the inner walls.[agriculture ]

Continue squeezing and rotating the pot until you can slide the root cluster with the soil straight out of the pot. When using a pot with sufficient drainage, this should all come out as one 'clump'. separate the roots a little with your hands once you pull it out to allow new space for growing.

NOTE: If it falls apart or crumbles away as you take it out you have either over watered your seedling (Or not allowed enough drainage) or not a lot of roots have developed. Either way you can continue with the transplant and pay extra attention to the plant in future. If you are struggling to get it out of the pot and have to cut the pot from the plant then this means plenty of roots have developed, this is usually not a bad thing unless you have left the pot crowded with roots for a long time, this can traumatize the roots and prevent further growth.

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