Thursday, September 1, 2022

Method of Making Vermi Compost Manure[agriculture ]


 What is vermicompost and why use it? 

Vermicompost is a type of organic fertilizer also known as earthworm compost. Earthworms eat plant or animal waste, animal dung, etc. and excrete faeces and chemicals secreted from the earthworm's body are mixed with the faeces. This processed material is called vermicompost. 

Vermicompost can take 30-90 days depending on the earthworm species and environment. Certain species of earthworms feed on rotting garbage, straw, crop residues, etc., and excrete feces, and the chemicals in the earthworm's body mix with this organic matter to further enhance the quality. Once the compost is made, the earthworms and the compost should be separated. 


Vermicompost contains 10 of the 16 essential plant nutrients. 

In ideal vermicompost – 

• 18% organic carbon 

• 2.60% potash 

• 2% calcium 

• 1.57% nitrogen 

• 1.26% phosphorus 

• 0.74% Sulphur 

• 0.66% magnesium 

• 0.06% Boron 

• Contains 15-25% water and small amounts of hormones. 

Vermicompost contains about 7-10% more nutrients than any other compost. So using vermicompost is more convenient than using any other type of compost. If you use this fertilizer – 

• Increases crop yield and quality 

• Increases the water holding capacity of the soil resulting in less irrigation. 

• Increases soil aeration. As a result, soil fertility increases. 

• Increases soil fertility by increasing the amount of different organisms. 

• Disease and insect infestations are reduced. 

• Regulates soil pH and reduces weeds.

Why use? 

As a result of the use of more chemical fertilizers than the amount of organic matter that should normally be in the soil, the soil of our country has much less organic matter than that. More than 60 percent of the country's arable land has organic matter content below 1.7 percent.

In such a situation, the use of vermi compost will increase the amount of organic matter in the soil on the one hand and on the other hand it will reduce the cost. The use of this fertilizer can reduce the use of chemical fertilizers up to 50%. Again, using vermicompost allows plants to slowly but steadily gain nutrients, which is ideal for rooftop and balcony gardens. 

Best quality vermicompost should be used for maximum benefits. 

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