Friday, August 26, 2022

where to plant a tree -part-2[agricultural nature]

 Know where to plant a tree before planting
এক্সট্রা লার্জ

Trees benefit humans in many ways. Fruits, flowers, wood, oxygen, shade, everything we get from trees. The benefits of plants cannot be overstated.So it is necessary to know the rules of planting trees.

Trees that can be  along the road should be planted. Mahogany, Shishu, Teak, Haritaki, Akashmani, Cedar, Coconut, Betel nut, Date, Neem, Palm, Jhau, Krishna Chura, Acacia, Ipil Ipil, Shimul etc. trees can be planted. Shishu, neem, deodaru, champa, ipil ipil, pineagola or lukluki, mandar, palit madar, paniya madar, acacia, kheer, buckflower, palm, dates etc. can be planted on both sides of village roads or feeder roads. Trees like krishchura, kankachura, raintree, gagan sirish, rajkai, shilkai, shishu, mahogany, arjuna, deodaru, sonalu, neem, nageswar, akashmani, bakul, palash, telsur, jhau, botal palm etc. can be planted along major roads or highways.[planting ]

Trees such as mahogany, shishu, teak, akasmani, cedar, coconut, betel nut, date palm, neem, palm, shimul etc. can be planted along the railway line.

Trees with strong and spreading roots like banyan, amra, bamboo, mahogany, shishu, teak, akasmani, cedar, coconut, betel nut, date palm etc. should be planted along the embankment.

Aisles of land should be planted with trees that have less extensive roots, provide less shade, can be pruned, such as mahogany, cedar etc. Trees can also be planted inside the land. In this case you can choose eucalyptus. A few such trees may be planted at intervals in the crop field. In Barendra area, earthen mounds are now being made in paddy fields and mango trees are being planted there at a large rate. Even the land is planted with many trees. Additional benefits have been obtained by planting palm trees in many places. Apart from palm trees, date palm, betel nut, acacia, buckine, jiga, karai, eucalyptus, palit madar etc. can be planted.

Plants that can tolerate low waterlogging need to be planted. Pitali, cane, murta, bamboo, mandar, jarul, hijal, kadam etc. trees can be planted in low lands.[agriculture education ]

The pond does not break the soil and beautifies trees such as betel nut, coconut, neem, cedar, papaya, guava, lemon, pomegranate etc.

Riparian trees should be planted that are water tolerant, hardy and tall. Such as Shimul, Chatim, Pitali, Bet, Bamboo, Murta, Mandar, Jarul, Hijal, Kadam etc.

In Bilbil area where water accumulates for two to three months in a year, Hijal, Karach, Beas, Pitali, Jarul, Mandar, Varun, Palash, Kadam, Chalta, Putijam, Dhepajam, Raina or Pitraj, Arjun etc. trees can be planted.

In the coastal areas, the new pastures can be planted with Keora, Bain, Crab, Garan, Golpata trees. But the chars on the coast are a little higher and normal. Tide does not rise. Acacia, Jhau, Sanbali, white cardamom, black cardamom, jarul, raintree etc. can be planted in those pastures. In areas other than the coast, riverbed forages such as Jhau, Lonazhau, Pitali, Karach, Panibius can be planted.

Can tolerate coastal salinity, light leafed trees like Sundari, Chaila, Garan, Gewa, Golpata, Mandar, Kadai, Acacia, Coconut etc. should be planted.

High hills and many hilly lands, along with oranges, various species of lemons, litchis, mangoes, guavas, bell peppers, ginger, pineapples have been successfully spread. Also Telsur, Chapalish, Chikarashi, Shilkrai, Gorjan, Gamar, Teak, Ipil-ipil, Bamboo, Cashew etc. are helpful in meeting the demand of wood.

This is the best policy of plant a tree.

Where to plant a tree - part - 1[agriculture and nature ]


If you don’t know, where to plant a tree 

See this below

June, July and August are the best time to plant saplings. So it's time to plant the right saplings in the right place. Seedlings can be collected from tree fairs or nurseries. However, more attention should be paid to the planting of fruit and medicinal plants. Fruit, medicine and wood are all available in it. Seedlings should be planted in flood-free, well-ventilated and sunny areas. Let's know where to plant any saplings.[season of plant]

Various institutions can be installed in front of and around various institutions including mosques, temples, churches, schools, colleges, offices, courts, madrasas, universities. In such a place you can plant cedar, coconut, betel nut, palm, date, neem, palm, jau, blackthorn, mango, jackfruit, litchi trees.

On the roof of the house, seedlings can be planted in tubs on the roof of the house. For example, you can plant orange, guava, cool, grapefruit, pomegranate, henna, litchi.

Small and less bushy trees should be planted for sunlight and light on the south side of the house. Betel nut, coconut, neem, cedar, papaya, guava, lemon, grapefruit, pomegranate, henna trees can be planted.[plantation ]

Medium tall and medium bushy trees should be planted in the east-west of the house. It will have light in the courtyard of the house in the morning and evening. You can plant various trees here including Baukul, Applekul, Safeda, Amrapali, Lychee, Date, Pomegranate, Banana, Ata, Bell, Guava.

Having large and tall trees on the north side of the house prevents storms. Mango, Jackfruit, Jam, Kamranga, Mahogany, Shishu, Teak, Haritaki, Akashmani, Bamboo etc. trees can be planted here.[agriculture education ]

Fallen land should be planted with trees such as yam, jackfruit, yam, kamaranga, mahogany, shishu, teak, haritaki, akasmani, cedar, coconut, betel nut, date palm, neem, palm, jau, blackthorn, bamboo.

Shade trees should be planted in markets. Mango, jackfruit, yam, teak, cedar, betel nut, date palm, neem, palm, blackthorn, banyan should be planted.

Thursday, August 25, 2022

How to do plantation care[agriculture knowledge ]


 See the below,if you want to take care of your plant 

Plantation is the beauty of nature.

Seedling transplant

Place the seedling in the hole while filling it with quality soil or potting mix. It is advisable to bury part of the stem in the soil as any of the stem that you bury will grow new roots and boost the plant's future growth! However, do not bury leaves else they may cause rot with watering, it's best to remove the lowest leaves to avoid such rot.[Plant care]

fill the hole around the seedling and do not press the soil down. Tempting as it may be this will compress the underlying soil and remove air pockets which are crucial in supplying water and oxygen to newly transplanted roots.

Wednesday, August 24, 2022




 Place your hand over the soil allowing the seedling stem to come between your fingers not leaving too much of a gap - we don't want to lose it's original soil- and squeeze the bottom of the seedling pot to loosen the soil and the roots from the inner walls.[agriculture ]

Continue squeezing and rotating the pot until you can slide the root cluster with the soil straight out of the pot. When using a pot with sufficient drainage, this should all come out as one 'clump'. separate the roots a little with your hands once you pull it out to allow new space for growing.

NOTE: If it falls apart or crumbles away as you take it out you have either over watered your seedling (Or not allowed enough drainage) or not a lot of roots have developed. Either way you can continue with the transplant and pay extra attention to the plant in future. If you are struggling to get it out of the pot and have to cut the pot from the plant then this means plenty of roots have developed, this is usually not a bad thing unless you have left the pot crowded with roots for a long time, this can traumatize the roots and prevent further growth.

How to transplant seedlings[Plantation care]


If you to take care of your plant,see below

When it comes to how to transplant seedlings there are a few handy tips to make the job go smoothly. Especially if all your seed sowing endeavours come to fruition at once, as often happens. You may find yourself with a bit of a backlog of sprouted seedlings backing up on windowsills and in propagators, so you need to keep things moving smoothly on to the next stage by pricking out seedlings as soon as you can. They will be needing a richer compost and more room to grow if they're going to thrive. [Seedling Care ]

 This method of transplanting seedlings is handy to know for anyone who wants to grow their own. It works for most vegetables and flowers, apart from the odd exception, such as long rooted vegetables like carrots and parsnips that need to go straight into the ground. 

Follow our easy steps and you'll soon be watching your seedlings mature into healthy young plants. You'll get the hang of it in no time, nurturing your seedlings like a professional. [Plant]

Learn how to grow gourds on the roof [agriculture knowledge ]

  While gourd was a winter vegetable, it is now cultivated all year round.  It is a delicious vegetable.  Gourd is a popular vegetable for e...