Friday, August 26, 2022

where to plant a tree -part-2[agricultural nature]

 Know where to plant a tree before planting
এক্সট্রা লার্জ

Trees benefit humans in many ways. Fruits, flowers, wood, oxygen, shade, everything we get from trees. The benefits of plants cannot be overstated.So it is necessary to know the rules of planting trees.

Trees that can be  along the road should be planted. Mahogany, Shishu, Teak, Haritaki, Akashmani, Cedar, Coconut, Betel nut, Date, Neem, Palm, Jhau, Krishna Chura, Acacia, Ipil Ipil, Shimul etc. trees can be planted. Shishu, neem, deodaru, champa, ipil ipil, pineagola or lukluki, mandar, palit madar, paniya madar, acacia, kheer, buckflower, palm, dates etc. can be planted on both sides of village roads or feeder roads. Trees like krishchura, kankachura, raintree, gagan sirish, rajkai, shilkai, shishu, mahogany, arjuna, deodaru, sonalu, neem, nageswar, akashmani, bakul, palash, telsur, jhau, botal palm etc. can be planted along major roads or highways.[planting ]

Trees such as mahogany, shishu, teak, akasmani, cedar, coconut, betel nut, date palm, neem, palm, shimul etc. can be planted along the railway line.

Trees with strong and spreading roots like banyan, amra, bamboo, mahogany, shishu, teak, akasmani, cedar, coconut, betel nut, date palm etc. should be planted along the embankment.

Aisles of land should be planted with trees that have less extensive roots, provide less shade, can be pruned, such as mahogany, cedar etc. Trees can also be planted inside the land. In this case you can choose eucalyptus. A few such trees may be planted at intervals in the crop field. In Barendra area, earthen mounds are now being made in paddy fields and mango trees are being planted there at a large rate. Even the land is planted with many trees. Additional benefits have been obtained by planting palm trees in many places. Apart from palm trees, date palm, betel nut, acacia, buckine, jiga, karai, eucalyptus, palit madar etc. can be planted.

Plants that can tolerate low waterlogging need to be planted. Pitali, cane, murta, bamboo, mandar, jarul, hijal, kadam etc. trees can be planted in low lands.[agriculture education ]

The pond does not break the soil and beautifies trees such as betel nut, coconut, neem, cedar, papaya, guava, lemon, pomegranate etc.

Riparian trees should be planted that are water tolerant, hardy and tall. Such as Shimul, Chatim, Pitali, Bet, Bamboo, Murta, Mandar, Jarul, Hijal, Kadam etc.

In Bilbil area where water accumulates for two to three months in a year, Hijal, Karach, Beas, Pitali, Jarul, Mandar, Varun, Palash, Kadam, Chalta, Putijam, Dhepajam, Raina or Pitraj, Arjun etc. trees can be planted.

In the coastal areas, the new pastures can be planted with Keora, Bain, Crab, Garan, Golpata trees. But the chars on the coast are a little higher and normal. Tide does not rise. Acacia, Jhau, Sanbali, white cardamom, black cardamom, jarul, raintree etc. can be planted in those pastures. In areas other than the coast, riverbed forages such as Jhau, Lonazhau, Pitali, Karach, Panibius can be planted.

Can tolerate coastal salinity, light leafed trees like Sundari, Chaila, Garan, Gewa, Golpata, Mandar, Kadai, Acacia, Coconut etc. should be planted.

High hills and many hilly lands, along with oranges, various species of lemons, litchis, mangoes, guavas, bell peppers, ginger, pineapples have been successfully spread. Also Telsur, Chapalish, Chikarashi, Shilkrai, Gorjan, Gamar, Teak, Ipil-ipil, Bamboo, Cashew etc. are helpful in meeting the demand of wood.

This is the best policy of plant a tree.

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