Saturday, September 3, 2022

Jute Cultivation System at a Glance,[jute cultivation information ]

Jute Cultivation Management.If you want to  jute cultivation, please see this below...


The jute production season (sowing to jute harvesting) is from the end of Phalgun to the end of Asadha.

Varieties: There are four types of jute for fiber crops. Desi Jute, Tosha Jute, Kenaf and Mesta Jute. Among these are the varieties of modern Ufsee - their brief introduction is as follows:

1. desi jute

Serial No. Crop/Variety Time of Sowing Lifetime (Days) Yield (Tons/Ha)

1 CC-45 30 Falgun-30 Chaitra 135-160 days 5.16

2 BJRI Desi Pat-5 1 Chaitra-1 Baisakh 105-115 days 3.25

3 BJRI Desi Pat-6 15 Chaitra-15 Baisakh 95-100 days 3.00

4 BJRI Desi Pat-7 15 Chaitra-15 Boishakh 100-110 3.00

5 Bina Desi Pat-2 20 Falgun-20 Chaitra - 3.00

2. Tosha Pat

Serial No. Crop/Variety Time of Sowing Lifetime (Days) Yield (Tons/Ha)

1 O-9897 1 Chaitra-15 Baisakh 125-145 days 4.6

2 OM-1 25 Falgun-30 Baisakh 125-155 days 4.5

3 BJRI Desi Pat-4 1 Chaitra-15 Baisakh 120-140 days 4.81

3. Kenaf

Serial No. Crop/Variety Time of Sowing Lifetime (Days) Yield (Tons/Ha)

1 HC-2 16 Chaitra-15 Baisakh 125-155 days 6.64

2 HC-95 16 Chaitra-30 Chaitra 150-160 days 5.5

4. Mesta

Serial No. Crop/Variety Time of Sowing Lifetime (Days) Yield (Tons/Ha)

1 HS-24 1 Chaitra-30 Baisakh 180-210 days 4.7

Land preparation:

High and medium high land where rainwater does not stand for long and loamy soil is more suitable for jute cultivation. Immediately after the rains, the land should be prepared with 5-7 plowings. The soil should be pulverized and the land should be weeded.

Fertilizer application: 3.5 tons of cow dung per hectare should be mixed with manure 2-3 weeks before sowing in well-developed land. Sowing day

15 kg of urea

17 kg TSP and

22 kg of MOP fertilizer should be applied to the land.

Then after 6-7 weeks of sowing, the field should be cleared of weeds and seedlings should be thinned and 100 kg of urea fertilizer per hectare should be sprinkled again on the land.

Sowing: Jute seeds should be sown on time. Generally: Jute seeds are sown by sprinkling. However, the yield of jute is higher if it is sown in rows.

Seed rate: 6.5-7.5 kg/ha in sprinkler sowing, 3.5-5.00 kg/ha in row sowing

When weaving in rows, the distance from line to line should be 30 cm or one foot and the distance from plant to plant should be 7-10 cm or 3-4 inches.

Weed suppression and seedling thinning: Weed suppression and seedling thinning should be done with 1st weeding within 15-21 days of sowing and 2nd weeding within 35-42 days.

Pest and Disease Management of Jute:

Table-1. Major pest management of jute

Name of the pest Type of damage Control method

1. beetle

Eat young and old leaves.

1. Collect and destroy the leaves with the caterpillars in the first stage of attack.

2. Diazinon 60% liquid/Nuvocrin 40% liquid/Ecalax 25% liquid 45 gm or 9 teaspoons of drug mixed with 30 kg water per hectare will control the beetles.

2. horse bug

The young leaves at the tip are eaten.

1. Pulling a rope soaked in kerosene over the tree.

2. Burying branches in the field to provide a place for birds to sit so that the birds can eat insects and reduce their number.

3. Diazinon 60% liquid/ Ecalax 25% liquid can be applied to the land at the approved rate.

3. fly

Cut the root of the sapling by making a hole in the ground.

1. If the field is irrigated with water, the insect will come out of the soil. Then destroy the insect.

2. Can be applied in the field using bait or Ripcord 10 EC at approved levels.

4. Worms

Puncture the stem and tear the fiber.

1. At the beginning of the season, remove the affected plants and destroy them.

2. Keeping the field and surrounding weeds clean.

3. When the plant is 5-6 inches tall, Matsystox 50% liquid/Diazinon 60% liquid/Nuvecrin 40% liquid is applied to the infested field at an approved rate to control the pest.

5. White and black spiders

The weevils suck the sap from the leaves, causing the leaves to curl.

1. Abundant rainfall naturally suppresses this pest.

2. Thiovit 80% powder/Ecion 43% liquid can be applied in approved doses if the attack is severe.

Jute's main main disease control mechanism

Plague in fodder

Damage pattern: Seedlings die due to black spots at the base.


1. Pick up dead plants and burn them.

2. Seed treatment with Vitavex 200 (0.4%).

3. Dithan M-45 mixed with 30 liters of water at the rate of 25/30 grams per hectare and sprinkled on the field after 3/4 days and 2/3 after this disease is eliminated.

falling down

Type of damage: In both small and large cases, the plant droops when the disease infects the roots.


1. If there is water in the land, remove it.

2. Keeping the field free of litter.

3. After jute harvesting, burning of stalks, roots and other abandoned parts.

4. Dithane M-45 can be applied in the field at approved levels.

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