Thursday, September 1, 2022

How to grow pea plants in a tub without fertilizer[agriculture Department ]


 More or less all of us like Puishak. But not everyone has idea about cultivation.

How to grow pea plants in tubs without chemical fertilizers.

Puishak is a well-known vegetable of our country. Puishak is the best of all vegetable curries. Puishak is a nutritious and delicious legume. Puishak is cultivated almost everywhere in our country.

The use of chemical fertilizers in Puishak cultivation makes the leaves of Puishak small in size and the leaves are easily filled with spots. As a result, it feels sad to eat, does not want to digest easily. And if the drainage system is not good, the root often rots.

Notable Varieties of Puishak:

There are two types of Puishak depending on the color. Red and green. Red colored caste is Manisha. Among the green varieties the best yield is Puishak 1 (Figure). There are many other varieties of green mulberry. Among them are Madhuri, Green Leek, Motalata, Rupsa Green etc.

Required climate and soil:

The plant grows in tropical regions. Hot and humid climates and sun are preferred by Puishak plants. Plant growth and yield are reduced at low temperatures. All kinds of soil can be grown in this plant. But Puishak does best in sandy loam to atel loam soils with sunication. Therefore, it is better to use loam, sandy loam and clay soil in the case of pot cultivation.

Let's know the method of cultivation of puishak without chemical fertilizers:

1) Half of loamy soil and half of rotted cow dung or rotted leaves should be used for pot cultivation.

2) You can plant pui tree in a large tub or cement bag. The seeds should be sprinkled on the soil mixed with soil and manure and watered with soil again lightly. Before planting the seeds, the seeds should be treated with fungicides. Besides, after soaking in water at night, the next morning, the seeds should be buried in the soil prepared in the tub.

3) It is not important to give any kind of chemical or artificial fertilizers for the growth of puishak. Liquid fertilizer is very necessary for the plant. For this, liquid fertilizer should be made with mustard leaves and given in the tub every 15 days. Fertilizer prepared by rotting vegetable peels should also be given. Fertilizer should be applied by making a hole 6 inches away from the base of the plant.

4) Leaves often curl. As a result of the insects on the tree, the leaves become leaky. For this you can make natural pesticides at home. You can boil neem leaves and give its water. It has many benefits. Many times fungal attack is seen at the base of Puishak plant. Put ash on the base for that. By doing this, the pest disease will be far away from the plague.

Weeds and weeds:

Weeds can build up inside the tub so be sure to clear the weeds. If you want to get more yield, you have to give a bowie. Water should never be allowed to accumulate at the root of the plant. Then the root of the plant may rot. Again, if there is a lot of rain, it can be seen that the soil at the base is washed away. So after the rain, the roots of the trees should be pressed with soil. When the seedling is 25-30 cm high, the stem should be cut, it becomes bushy.

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