Thursday, September 1, 2022

Benefits of potash fertilizers[agriculture Department ]


Do you know about the benefits of potash fertilizer? Potash fertilizer plays a very important role in rice cultivation. [Agriculture Department]

 #Why do we use potash (MOP) fertilizer? 

#Potash fertilizer in paddy cultivation

Yield increases at a higher rate.

#Working of Potash (MOP) Fertilizer:

1/ Potash fertilizer promotes plant root growth and leaf size.

2/ Increases the number of nutritious grains per shoot and increases grain weight.

3/ Increases resistance to various adverse environments such as drought, cold, diseases etc. by increasing the strength of the plant.

4/ Increases the quality of crops.

#Causes of potassium deficiency:

1/ If the amount of potassium applied to the soil is less than required, potassium deficiency occurs.

2/ As a result of complete removal of crop residues from the soil.

3/ In sandy soil, it is deficient if there is a lot of water loss.

#Potassium Fertilizer Deficiency Symptoms:

1/ Plants are dark green and short and drooping.

2/ Due to the lack of potassium, in the initial condition, the upper side of the leaf has a yellowish orange color, then this discolored color slowly spreads to the base of the leaf, as a result, the leaf becomes wilted or dry.

3/ Sometimes small brown spots like sesame seeds are seen on dark green leaves. 

4/ Trees are more prone to disease.

5/ Root growth is slow and often affected by rotting disease.

6/ Cheat rate increases.

7/ Paddy plant falls and yield decreases.

8/ White spots often appear irregularly on the seed. 

# Remedy for potassium deficiency:

1/ After harvesting, its residue should be mixed with the soil.

2/ Amount of potassium fertilizer should be applied to the soil. 

3/ It is possible to eliminate the deficiency to a large extent by increasing the absorption capacity of potassium by preventing the wastage caused by soil management and accelerating root growth. 

# Time and method of application of potash fertilizer:

1/ Potash fertilizer should be applied during the final cultivation of general land preparation. 

2/ Potash fertilizers can be applied alone or mixed with nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizers. 

3/ It should be applied in installments to prevent excess leaching of potash in sandy soil. In that case, half of the fertilizer should be applied during budding.

Potash fertilizer is very effective for taking care of paddy cultivation. Potash fertilizer should be applied to get good yield. 

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